loading knowledge… because peace can’t be rushed

November 7, 2024

Why did the World Lie to Me?

The world tells me that as long as I work hard, I’ll get to places that I deserve. The world tells me that if I put in the effort, my hard work will always be rewarded. The world tells me that education is the great equalizer, that with the right qualifications, doors will open, and opportunities will abound.

What the world doesn’t tell me is that privileges create an uneven playing field, where some start miles ahead while others struggle to catch up. The world also tells me that meritocracy is real and that those who are diligent will inevitably rise to the top. But what the world doesn’t tell me about are the invisible walls that rise around me, no matter how fiercely I push forward.

The world often overlooks the countless instances where individuals leapfrog ahead simply because they were born into the right family, attended the right schools, or knew the right people. It doesn’t account for the heartbreak of knowing that despite my relentless effort, I might never bridge the gap created by systemic inequities.

The world doesn’t tell me about the sleepless nights I will spend battling self-doubt, wondering if my hard work will ever pay off. It doesn’t show the invisible scars of those who face rejection not for their lack of capability but because the system is stacked against them. It doesn’t tell me about the countless tears I will shed in private, the frustration and the feeling of being trapped in a cycle that seems unbreakable.

So, why did the world lie? Because it fears the chaos of the truth. It fears the anger and the uprising that would come if we all acknowledged the reality: that hard work is not always enough, that the playing field is not level, and that meritocracy is often an illusion. Or perhaps it is because the myth of meritocracy is comforting. It offers a simple, straightforward narrative that if we just try hard enough, we can achieve anything.

I refuse to let a rigged system define my worth. I will continue to work hard, not because I believe the world’s promises, but because I believe in my own strength and resilience. I dream of a world where the invisible walls of privilege and inequality are shattered, and everyone has a fair chance to succeed. This is the world I fight for, the world we all deserve.

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